Barkhane: an endless mission?
Since August the 1st 2014, the French soldiers of Operation Barkhane have been fighting against terrorists in the Sahel region. After almost seven years in the field, their presence is …
Since August the 1st 2014, the French soldiers of Operation Barkhane have been fighting against terrorists in the Sahel region. After almost seven years in the field, their presence is …
As the Olympic Games are supposed to take place next July, more and more Japanese are reluctant about hosting the worldwide event. Beyond the Covid-19 crisis, demonstrators also protest about …
The French government vaccination campaign arouse strong criticism in the country. Chaotic communication and a slow rollout explain this situation, as do factors deeply rooted in French history. Scepticism and …
For the past six years, Yemen has been stuck in a dead end. With the war, the future seems very dark for many young people. Some of them managed to …
Two years after having rejected it, Argentina’s Senate passed a bill legalizing abortion on December 30, 2020. A decision met with cheers and joy by the pro-choice crowd, celebrating a …
Torture, sterilization, forced labour… Reports and testimonies have shown what more than a million Uyghurs have been fighting against in camps since 2017 in the Xinjiang region. To compensate what …
The democratic primaries started last summer. Yet, the electoral process will only begin in a few weeks with the first delegate election in Iowa.
A l’occasion du Festival international du film d’histoire de Pessac, la documentariste Manon Loizeau a évoqué les risques qui pèsent sur les correspondants de guerre et sa manière d’appréhender le …
Le film documentaire Les Orphelins de Sankara de Géraldine Berger était en compétition cette semaine au Festival international du film d’histoire de Pessac.
Le film Sympathie pour le diable plonge le spectateur au cœur du siège de Sarajevo dans les années 1990. Adaptation du roman éponyme, le réalisateur Guillaume de Fontenay a travaillé …
Sylvie Gilman, co-réalisatrice du documentaire Algérie, la guerre des appelés, s’est entretenu avec plusieurs appelés du contingent pour écouter leurs témoignages. Elle fait revivre avec eux les mémoires oubliées de …
Alors que le Chili connaît une crise sociale sans précédent depuis plus d’un mois, la communauté chilienne de Bordeaux se mobilise pour raviver la mémoire d’une histoire commune. Et la …