Figures show that minority groups are growing in number, forcing candidates to adapt their discourse and come up with new proposals to cater to their specific needs.
Between 2000 and 2018, 40.3 million Americans registered to vote for the first time, most of whom from non-white communities. One minority in particular stands out in this electoral cycle because of important demographic changes in the U.S: That is the Hispanic community. Today, it constitutes almost 20% of the American population and makes up for 13.3% of the electorate. More than ever, the Latino vote will count this year around.
Q&A: Did the campaigns target Hispanic voters accurately? Did they have their interests in mind or did they follow old pandering techniques? More importantly, did they take into account the disparities between geographically and socially different groups?
One thing is clear, there is no unified Latino Vote. Take Cubans for example. Historically, they have tended to vote for the Republican nominee. However, the new generation doesn’t see eye to eye with the old one anymore. Puerto Ricans and Mexicans, on the other hand, tend to favour democrats. Will they follow the same route this year?
One personality stands out. Her name is famous on the international stage. Here is a portrait of Alexandria Ocasio Cortes written by Anaëlle Larue.
Q&A: 1. Do you agree that AOC poses a serious threat to Trump, and why?
2. Is AOC too divisive to ever become President of the United States?
3. Joe Biden is very popular amongst women voters. Can they tilt this elections in his favor?
4. Polls indicate that the gap between male and female voters may be at its widest point ever. Why is that?
Youth turnout was particularly important this year. Our reports in Tallahassee, Justin Chookasezian, Bradley Taylor and Jacob Garcia met with young voters earlier this month. Here is their report.
Armelle Desmaison, Corentin Alloune, Anaëlle Larue, Justin Chookasezian, Bradley Taylor, Jacob Garcia